Human Sacrifice?

Recently, as we flew over the length of India on a pair of flights from Delhi to Mangalore, I raced through Amitav Ghosh's classic The Shadow Lines. It was not my first reading of the book; though, coincidentally, my first read was also on a journey (by train, however) between the same two destination points. I remember finishing the book then, in one single, exhilarating sweep, in the dim yellow-light of the vestibule. It was late in the night-- the lights in the rest of compartment were long gone off. I remember being unable to sleep for some while afterwards, as characters and scenes flitted through my head.

In January, I discovered Kuvempu's collection of poems-- Koneya Tene Mattu Vishwamanava Sandesha-- at the Sapna Book Store in Bangalore's Basham Circle. The poems are witty, incisive, markedly progressive and honest; the poetry is light but never delicate. While there's not a single overarching theme that binds the poems together, I found one poem-- Nere-- heart-wrenching; but, more interestingly, its core idea finds a mirror in The Shadow Lines, a novel written more than fifty years later.

The Shadow Lines is about many things: the illusory nature of time, of space, of borders ("... the ghostliness was merely the absence of time and distance-- for that is all that a ghost is, a presence displaced in time"); it is about bonds that bind memories and people (and bind people to memories).

At another level--a less abstract one perhaps-- The Shadow Lines is a novel about sacrifice. In what is easily the book's most engaging sequence, Tridib, the narrator's uncle and childhood idol, is murdered in a riot. Tridib walks straight into a mob of deranged men involved in the act of killing a senile grand-uncle of his. The men are armed, possessed by that crazy frenzy that grips people in riots, a frenzy located brilliantly, courtesy its inverse, in a passage from the book: "... for the madness of the riot is a pathological inversion, but also therefore a reminder, of that indivisible sanity that binds people to each other independently of their governments". Tridib must have known, as May later testifies, that he was walking to his death, just as certainly as you'd know you wouldn't be attacked by the man walking down the street in normal civil life.

Why does he do it? The Shadow Lines, like life, offers no straight answers.

Nere is a story within a story-- the story that Manjanna, an old man of the hills of the Western Ghats, tells the narrator and his friends. On a dark, stormy night, by a fire that blazes and warms, Manjanna speaks of another dark, stormy night when it rained so much that the water flooded in. It took the household dog's incessant barking (referred to simply as "bitch") to wake the sleeping residents up (they sleep so soundly that they "forget their bodies"-- mai marethu-- a common Kannada phrase). Quickly, the narrator and his parents hop onto a raft and sail through the storm to safety. It is only then that they realize that they've left the bitch behind. His father pauses to think, before he decides to row back to save it; his mother begs him to reconsider. But the man is firm, arguing, somewhat unconvincingly: "Do we let go of it just because it is dumb?"

Three days later, the bodies of both, bitch and man are found. Manjanna weeps as he retells the tale-- not for his dead father, Kuvempu informs us, but for his dead father's neeti, his morals. To the discerning mind-- indeed, perhaps even to Manjanna seventy years later (we are never told if he's shedding tears of pride or sorrow)-- the choice his father makes is clearly flawed: he must have known the waters were fierce, he is even told so explicitly by his wife. What's more, the choice is not made on impulse for Manjanna describes the moments preceding the decision thus: "Father stood thinking for a while/ What would have raced through his mind?". He's clearly weighing the trade-off: on one hand was his own life and the prospect that his wife and son were left, almost certainly, husband- and father-less respectively; and on the other was the life of the dog that saved their lives, the chances of rescuing which were already minuscule.

What would drive seemingly intelligent men to jump straight into the jaws of death? What did they achieve? Something that approaches an answer is found in The Shadow Lines, when May says: "He gave himself up; it was a sacrifice. I know I can't understand it. I know I mustn't try, for any real sacrifice is a mystery" [Emphasis mine].

I found the premise fascinating-- that a real sacrifice crosses over into the realm of mystery; the idea that, usually, sacrifices involve giving up something valuable for a cause or an object deemed worthier, but when one discusses real sacrifices, the worthier object is beyond comprehension. Indeed, stripped of its aura of nobility (one every sacrifice possesses by default), every real sacrifice borders on the plain stupid. Moreover, seen this way, all questions about such sacrifices become redundant, because they possess an amorphous quality that never lets a third-person grasp their fundamental essence; because, by definition, we cannot know. 

I am specifically kicked by the idea that both authors-- both Sahitya Akademi winners, but separated geographically, linguistically and chronologically-- choose to resolve the question by not resolving it. By adopting an open-ended conclusion, it forces us, as readers, to remain agnostic about the choices made during the sacrifices.

On Reading Shitty Books (and Rick Moody) for Fun

Rick Moody is an affirming talent.

Rick Moody's existence means that my own abilities, whatever they are, can't be that poor. Somewhere in the throes of my self-doubt I imagine some limit -- a sub-basement -- where my feelings can call it a day. Rick Moody, along with nine thousand adjectives, occupies that space.

Dale Peck's done a much better job of marinating, cooking, and skewering Rick Moody than I ever could. Say what you will about Peck's hatchet jobs, I'm not sure I can get behind a writer that stresses the orthopedic nature of shoes at least thirty-five times in a paragraph that is as many pages long.

But why read bad books?

Or, the better question: why read Rick Moody?

I read Rick Moody for the same reason that I have some boring friends. It's the same reason why I know anything about the differences between various swimsuit cuts. It's also why my sister Angelica likes to set things on fire in crowded restaurants.

Boredom inspires a functioning mind. It lets me finish a draft. (For Angelica, it helps determine the flammability of one's plum sake.)

Boredom makes me reconnect with old contacts rotting away in my cellphone, anything to prevent me from finishing that one paragraph about the aged breasts and the blender.

I love Rick Moody because I realize that if he can connect such disparate things as fishermen at dusk, geiger counters, spaghetti, a series of flaccid interstate highways into one trail-mix paragraph -- read, Purple America -- I ought to be able to do the same, readability be damned.

January and February

This is an incomplete list.


The Gentlemen Bastard Series, Scott Lynch

The Lies of Locke Lamora
Red Seas Under Red Skies

Given that these are two parts of the same story, I don't really think they count as different books. Scott Lynch writes fantasy about elaborate heists in a land that seems a lot like renaissance-era Italy. The hero is called (unsurprisingly) Locke Lamora, a man whom you sympathise with only really because he is the protagonist. As part of my evergrowing pile of fantasy books, it probably doesn't stand out, but it is still a good deal of fun. 

Warbreaker, Brandon Sanderson

Sanderson just writes solid fantasy. I think solid is the best word to describe it, because all of his books have been good, but I'm not sure I've read anything that is outstanding, though The Way Of Kings was pretty damn impressive. Warbreaker continues that tradition. It is about interesting characters in interesting places doing interesting things, people who betray and are betrayed, there's a little adventure and a little love. I think the best bit of Warbreaker is that it uses a novel system of magic consistently, that every person has Breath, and only one Breath, and if you give it away to someone they can use it, and if you have lots of Breath you can do lots of exciting things. Warbreaker is very much a book written between other projects, but like Locke Lamora, it's a good way to pass the time.

Non-fantasy Fiction

The Sisters Brothers, Patrick deWitt

The Sisters Brothers is set in 1850s America, at the height of the gold rush. It is about a pair of brothers, Eli and Charlie Sisters, who make their living killing for a man they call the Commodore. It is a rambly sort of book, that goes through several events without really connecting them except through the first person narrative of Eli Sisters. Eli is a fat man who describes his world in a nondescript manner that only emphasises (to me at least) the complete terror of living in the Wild West. Though he regrets killing, he still does it in a manner that seems to accept that it was in some way inevitable.

If there is one thing that comes through this book, it is that the Wild West was genuinely terrifying.

Romance? These books are about love, in any case.

All My Friends Are Superheroes, Andrew Kaufman

This is such a great book. It's very short, a hundred and twenty pages, and it took me a train ride to read it. It is about Tom, whose friends are all superheroes, and whose girlfriend is also a superhero, called the Perfectionist. But at their wedding, the Perfectionist's ex-boyfriend Hypno hypnotises her into believing that she can't see Tom, though everyone else can. Now she's on a plane to Vancouver, determined to make a new life, and Tom has the duration of that flight to try, one last time, to make her see him.

I don't really want to spoil anything else, but I seriously think everyone should read it.

The Lover's Dictionary, David Levithan

This is perhaps the opposite of the book before this. It is told in this weird post-modern way where he takes loads of words, puts them in alphabetical order, and then recounts incidents or little expositions that have to do with that word. For 'love', he says something like 'Don't even ask me to define this'.

It is fairly depressing, but still a book worth reading. Bittersweet and all that.


Quantum, Manjit Kumar

I'l be honest, I've been looking for a book on quantum for a while, and this had a pretty cover. Also The Guardian liked it. Kumar writes about the history of quantum mechanics, tracing it from Boltzmann and Planck to the arguments between Bohr and Einstein. Though the first bit of the book is a little irritating in that there is no maths and the assertions he makes about the nature of quanta are hard to understand (for me, anyway) without some maths, the book really comes into its own when it describes Bohr and Einstein arguing about reality. The best part of the book is when he describes Einstein's attempts at constructing thought experiments to try and disprove Heisenberg's Uncertainty, and Bohr defeating all of his attempts. There is one in which Einstein constructs a box of light which will stay with me forever.

17 Equations That Changed The World, Ian Stewart

I keep dipping it into this book, because I think 'Hey, maybe this time it won't be so bad', and then it is as bad as all the previous times, and then I forget again.

My problem is that there is not enough maths. There is some intuitive explanation, there is some history of these equations, but I would really like a mathematical description of these things. The general public really needs to get more numerate so that books are written for the rest of us. But I'll keep dipping into it, and maybe one day I'll have dipped into all of it, and then I'll have finished it.


Wyrmeweald: Bloodhoney, Paul Stewart & Chris Riddell

Unashamedly, this is me being nostalgic for The Edge Chronicles. But it still stands really strongly on its own. The second book in this trilogy continues the odd story of the first, of a land where kith live off dragons however they can, and weird and wonderful creatures kill them or not as they will. Everytime I read Stewart and Riddell I am stunned that these are children's books, because they are so well written, with so much depth, that it is only the obvious happy endings that really signify anything else. Happiness, I tell you.

The Song of the Quarkbeast, Jasper Fforde

This is so much fun. I finished it, then read the book that comes before it (The Last Dragonslayer), and then read it again. I highly recommend it to anyone who thinks (as I do) that children's fiction started to go downhill round about the time I grew up (if indeed I have).

The thing about this book is that the heroine is exactly who you want her to be: a no-nonsense girl who just wants to fix the problems she has in as straightforward a manner as possible. Read, read.

In Progress

The Talented Mr Ripley, Patricia Highsmith

The Emperor of All Maladies, Siddhartha Mukherjee

I have been sitting on the second one for a while, having been distracted by physics and the Wild West. Am halfway through it.

The Talented Mr Ripley has yet to grip me, though I'm told it will. I'll write about them once I've read them.
What I read this week:

- Factotum by Charles Bukowski
- A Light in the Attic by Shel Silverstein


There is something about this book that haunts me. It's a thoroughly messed up book, about the most messed up people, living in a state of poverty only first world countries can possibly throw up. It's a book about wandering, not necessarily aimlessness, and I'm quite sure there's a stark difference between the two.
In a very personal way, this book knocked me over and gave me exactly the sort of read I wanted - something meandering, something mean, something low, something all over the place. Bukowski does this thing where he makes it okay to be lost, or not have anything to hold on to, or ground you.
There's nothing heroic or aspirational about Chinaski, he's just some guy who wants to make enough money to get drunk in the evening. It's not like the book is leading into some eventual doom either - he's just getting by, one drink at a time.

A Light in the Attic:

Is almost the absolute opposite of Factotum. It is the most delightful book of (not) children's poetry I have read since Roald Dahl. Let me assure you, it is also quite dark for a children's book - but so full of sunshine at the same time, that it's difficult not to be drawn in or fall in nothingbutlove with it. While it made me laugh nearly all the time, it also almost made me cry. (The story about Cloony the Clown, hey, that is not a children's poem, Mr.Silverstein!) For the most part though, it has radically altered my mood and my (ahem) attitude towards life for the day. And because I cannot leave you without said radical alteration of mood:

Somebody Has To
by Shel Silverstein

Somebody has to go polish the stars,
They're looking a bit dull.
Somebody has to go polish the stars,
For the eagles and starlings and gulls
Have all been complaining they're tarnished and worn,
They say they want new ones we cannot afford.
So please get your rags
And your polishing jars
Somebody has to go polish the stars.


In some ways, George Fernandes in Countdown (which I recently finished) serves as a microcosm for everything that is right and wrong with the book.

Things had changed drastically in the recent past for Mr Fernandes, resulting in a set of perplexing paradoxes: his party had won a grand total of two seats in the Lok Sabha polls, yet he had landed a cabinet position. Even two years previously, when he was languishing in the farthest outposts of political wilderness, that would have seemed laughable; he was now a minister in Vajpayee's saffron-tinged cabinet-- Fernandes was a left-winger ideologically, a fiery communist in his earlier days; he once openly supported disarmament, was for years vocally critical of the Nuclear Bomb and yet, now, the blasts at Pokhran had been carried out with Mr Fernandes at the helm of Defence.

When we encounter him in the book, he is a busy man, traveling from South Block (Delhi's power-centre) to Kashmir to Siachen, drafting policy, addressing crowds, dining with army-men in nondescript canteens. A political veteran, he is still energetic, still a workaholic, still dreaming of a better India and still, strangely, very pessimistic: 'India has hit a nadir' (in 1998!), he says, curiously echoing sentiments of several others in the book. He is disillusioned with India's politicians, questions whether we would ever be taken seriously by the Big Players in the World Political Arena. He is clearly a thinking man and, much like the book, is articulate, even brilliant, but also terribly wrong about what was to come.


15 years later, George Fernandes has sadly gone senile. Alzheimer's. Vajpayee, according to most accounts, is worse off. Pakistan has collapsed too, succumbing to a host of self-bred diseases; Walmart features more than the Bomb in our discussions on foreign policy; the fears about India remaining a shaky player in international affairs, always looking westwards for approval, seem severely misplaced.

Peculiar are the ways of history, of chronicles of contemporary events. Countdown talks of fears and hopes, people and places, debates and counterpoints whose ghosts have long since vanished.

And the funny bit is, it's been only a decade-and-a-half. 

As on 18th Feb, 2012

Currently reading:
1. The God of Small Things, Fiction, Arundhati Roy, English
2. Countdown, Non-Fiction, Amitav Ghosh, English
3. Koneya Tene mattu Vishwamanava Sandesha, Poetry (largely), Kuvempu, Kannada.
4. The Bhagavad Gita, Fiction (?), Vyasa, Sanskrit.

On 1-- She writes like Rushdie. I would much rather read him.  Also, needlessly dark.
On 2-- Its about the Pokhran nuclear blast of '98. Its too recent an event to be read as history and too dated to be read as a commentary on India in the Nuclear World-- much has changed since then. I think Amartya Sen's essay on the same-- also in the Argumentative Indian-- says much of the same  in a more succinct manner.
On 3-- I re-bought the book (my original copy was left in Delhi). Splendid. Plan to write a review of the book sometime.
On 4-- My Sanskrit is slowly improving. Slowly.

Just finished:
1. The Shadow Lines, Fiction, Amitav Ghosh, English.
(For the 65th time; but the first book read on my Kindle!)

See, Pindimiriyam's!

In keeping with Sita, I have decided I should also keep track of what I'm reading, so that I don't just sit about only reading fantasy.

I also want to read about:

a) Physics
b) History
c) Maths
d) Things that are interesting once I start reading them but would not otherwise pick up because Abercrombie rereads are too much fun.

I will start putting up lists after the weekend.

The name comes from Sharan. I claim no ownership.